Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Being sick is no fun. Everyone can agree on that. More annoying, though is when you are just slightly sick. Do you take a day off? Ask your partner to run the house/kids? Moan and groan? Or do you just carry on, snuffling and red-eyed, hoping someone will notice your efforts?
This is an issue I face a few times a year. Yesterday I soldiered on, today I moaned and groaned and took off work (It helps the PSAT was today, so two of my classes were only proctoring). The problem I now face, after most of a day sleeping and the rest of it reading, is what to do? I tried to help around the house once I was up for it (around 3 pm) and I think I did an OK job. I straightened up the kitchen somewhat, bathed the kids and even did some laundry. But now there's school work to tackle. I have papers to prepare, hand-outs to create and grades to put in. I'm feeling MUCH better, but still not 100%. Do I damn all the sleep and relaxing and make sure I'm ready for work tomorrow, or do I go to bed and hope I'll feel even better in the morning?

1 comment:

  1. Sleep. Get all better. Cram it in when you feel fine.
