Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Healthcare Shmealthcare

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Now, on to the article:

The media wants you to believe that America is divided by this MAJOR IDEOLOGY ENDING issue. The fact of the matter is that if you ask the average American about this oh-so important topic they will most probably give your their opinion on whether it is "good" or "bad", "right" or "wrong" and "necessary" or "evil" but ask them to detail the plan, to explain why they have chosen this side of the issue and all you will probably get is, "oh, I'm a..." and they will say either Republican or Democrat.

This is the issue I would like to discuss here, this line-in-the-sand political enmity.

Growing up in The Bronx it was sort of a given that I would be a Yankees fan. I went to games in The House Ruth Built and any sport T-shirts I owned were either pinstripe or navy blue. Being a Yankee fan had, inherent in it, love of the Franchise and hatred of the Boston Red Soxs (if you don't know, it's not worth explaining, just go with it). Now, New York had another Baseball team, still does, called The Mets. As a Yankee fan you just didn't care about The Mets. You barely thought of them, except maybe to feel pity, or at worst- scorn, for their fans. Mets fans and Yankee fans were friends and could joke about each others teams, players or policies.

Sometime when I was in High School that changed. Yankee fans became derisive towards Met fans, caustic. Sometimes even downright mean. Suddenly, the other team was Evil, was "the enemy".

This is the issue with the healthcare plan and U.S. Politics in general. About twenty years ago bipartisanship became a dirty word, something only done in dire need and with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. You can blame Bill Clinton or Newt Gingrich but that doesn't change the fact that the days of the gentleman politician is gone. No longer were important votes decided by policy or acumen, but by an "us or them" mentality that has finally reached a horrific crescendo during this current healthcare debate.

The President has provided plans that, at times, almost mirror those of his Republican opponent for office, John McCain. He has made concessions that solve, at least partially, a majority of "Republican" problems with the plan, but to no avail. He is one of "them" and WE do not do business with THEM.

Cries of socialism are bandied about by the same people who vote to spend more money on the public school system- a system that guarantees free education to all, a system that is the very definition of a socialist ideal.

Please don't think this is another "Left-wing Liberal" rant, the Democrats are just as bad, storming and thundering about the evil, unjust Conservatives that are undermining our government.

It is not one party or another that is destroying our country, it is not crazed Liberals or fascist Conservatives. It is the very issue of using those labels and brandishing those fright-masks. Riling up the public one way or the other without educating them as to why one group feels the way they do.

I could make a list of all the countries that have good, working, reasonable Nationalized Medicine and I could equally make a list of the numbers of people in those countries dying from lack of treatment. Both of those list would be beside the point. What matters is that if we, as a country, keep dividing ourselves into black hats and white hats, heroes and villains, nothing is going to get done. Not healthcare, not the deficit, NOTHING.

It's time we as a people stop letting ourselves be led by fear-mongers and rabble-rousers, stop picking one side and sticking with it, stop spouting one-liners and Sound-bites to defend our "beliefs".

It is time we educate ourselves, since those in power clearly have other things planned. It is time we start thinking about what we need, as a country, as a civilization- not as individuals. Lastly, it is time we put in to power people who are going to help us do this, rather than just play on our emotions and hot buttons.

Principle: Sense


  1. Fair enough. Educating the masses and making them more knowledgeable should lead to a better country.

    I don't know if the politicians have it in them, however, to work hand-in-hand across party lines. They seem so set in their ways, that it just doesn't seem possible, really.

  2. Excellent metaphor to bring a point across.
    As a non-US citizen I think you hit the nail right on its head by saying that the mentality has changed into US v THEM.
    It's something I don't understand; aren't there many shades of grey? Aren't there more sides to a story, and maybe more than one sollution?

    Education is - indeed - important. Especially, when those who are supposed to educate us properly are busy whipping out their own political agendas and such.

  3. Well put. This is a fine example of why most people should not be allowed to vote. Not everyone deserves to be heard. Voting booths should come equipped with an exam to determine how well informed a voter is on what exactly they are voting for. Those that are aware of candidate's policies should be granted a vote to avoid the "Us Vs. Them" issue and weed out the votes dependent on the candidate's hairstyle, physical appearance, or public image...
    Also, why are the votes of Nobel winners or PHD holders equal to those of the "average" voter..?

  4. In the words of Dr. Dick Solomon "He gets the same vote as me? But I'm brilliant!"
    But in all seriousness the system we have in this country is a complete and total joke. The ballot is a sham, the elections an illusion which fool everyone to abdicate their freedom every four years. The government is supposed to work for the people but its the people who work for their government. What we need to do is rise up, take back our lives take back our liberty before it is too late. Liberal -- conservative it matters not it is time to put aside our petty differences isolate and scorn the hate mongers for what they are and get back on righteous path of social evolution that has been on a steady downfall since Julius Caeser marched back into Rome.
