Thursday, October 1, 2009

Inspirational Dark Lords

In High School I had this math teacher who was scary as hell- He wore black on test days and laughed a cruel chuckle if you answered a question incorrectly. He had glimmering, dark eyes and a balding head that made him look like he was more brains than face. To this day I think of him as one of my great inspirations as a teacher.

What about you, have any scary or dark inspirations somewhere in your past?


  1. Not really. Just wondering, though, you say that this teacher is still a great inspiration to you. Did you hate him at the time?

  2. Feared him, yes. Was upset with him, often. But hated? No. I already knew I wanted tobe a teacher and I had too much respect for the way he kept the class in line and got the subject taught to hate him. I saved my hate for the ineffectual teachers who couldn't convey the lessons.
